The tribute to Steve Jobs that’s been floating through my mind can be found nestled in the bridge of a Paul Simon song, “So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright”–his eulogy for an earlier visionary.
Architects may come and
Architects may go and
Never change your point of view.
When I run dry
I stop awhile and think of you
© Paul Simon
Steve Jobs likewise changed our point of view so much it’s hard to even grasp. Think about that when you’re listening to the Simon & Garfunkel version of this song–or the cover version of your choice– instantly, on iTunes.
From Micah Solomon – keynote speaker, customer service speaker, customer service consultant, and #1 bestselling author of “Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit: The Secrets of Building a Five-Star Customer Service Organization.” Visit with Micah at Or, click here for your own free chapter of Micah Solomon’s #1 customer service bestseller, Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit: The Secrets of Building a Five-Star Customer Service Organization
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