There’s no truer truism in customer service than this one: You’re only as strong as your weakest link.
It’s frustrating to a business leader to do everything right, 90 percent of the time, then have one employee slip through your hiring process and ruin your reputation with customers, txting his girlfriend right in front of the guests he’s supposed to be checking in. This scenario causes nightmares for even the most conscientious business leaders. And it is worth losing sleep over.
But at the same time, don’t forget to celebrate the power of your strongest link. That one shining employee with an unearthly desire-to-serve glow, empathy with your customers, and an entrepreneurial attitude.
Pay attention to the effect such a strong link in your organizational chain has on the customers she wows, and the peers she inspires. You may not be able to fully measure the effect, but you dearly need to be aware of it.
From Micah Solomon – author, keynote speaker, consultant on customer service excellence, sales, branding, and transforming company cultures in our socially connected world.See Micah in action — including video and free resources — at Or, click here for your own free chapter of Micah Solomon’s customer service bestseller,” Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit: The Secrets of Building a Five-Star Customer Service Organization.”