A chance to save a life–available to you here!
(P.S. You win $10,000 from Seth Godin).
Please excuse the interruption—but here is one of those rare chances to save a life through the power of networks. You have to take the first step though, and click here.
Let me explain.
Amit Gupta, the young, much beloved entrepreneur who helped Seth Godin created Change This (now an 800-CEO-READ project that has benefited many authors, including me ) has been recently and suddenly diagnosed with leukemia.
Amit really needs a donor match, and with Seth’s help is changing the odds on that happening– for Amit and for others. But this really requires your help too. No, the help needed doesn’t cost money–but thanks to Seth Godin it actually could make you money–$10,000 in fact (read the post for legal caveats).
To read Seth’s post about Amit and how you can help, the URL is
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